It’s quite a big deal for me that this week, I’m a Poet of the Week on the Poetry Super Highway for my poem, Combed up Velvet. I am so happy about the way Editor Rick Lupert has helped to champion my work, and just wanted to share that with you.

Here’s what I saw in the newsletter this morning

Just below is a screenshot. I was still waking and blurry eyed when I read the news. It actually took me a moment to realize that the featured poet from Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate = ME. I’m that one.

Yes, I did know I would be featured. It was still a surprise seeing it in print like this. In an email. In my inbox. From a resource I frequently read and where I’m subscribed.

Then I saw this

I was even more thrilled to see that further down the newsletter, Rick Lupert had included a special link to my website! Here’s a screenshot of it.

When I clicked through to visit Poetry Super Highway, I saw my FACE!

(Note: what you see below is just a screenshot. The links shown are just a picture of links, quite unusable. A real link is coming! Promise.)

About Combed up Velvet

This poem is one where I wanted to express a story, one that feels emotional and vibrant only because of the words used to describe what’s happening. Here’s an excerpt:

Windswept gatherings of confused moths 
cloud over and flitter across 
my speckled memory, moving, 
candlelit flowers, held up above, hovering 
white linen, rough
woven dusty with peachy 
sprinkles that sparkle, sparkle …

}} Click* (and scroll down) to access this poem at Poetry Super Highway.

Poetry Super Highway, edited by Rick Lupert, Los Angeles, California, August 2022.