The idea for my newest Work In Progress (WIP) came to me this morning as I thought about various books that had alluring titles. Just those random titles that popped in my head, no internet search. I noticed, much to my surprise, that three of the titles had the word “library” in it.

A Body in the Library

The Invisible Library

The Secret Library

There’s also “Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore” which is adjacent. Again, these just came to my mind as I thought about titles. Just titles.

I do, I swear, enjoy reading all sorts of books, not just ones with the word “library” in the title – promise.

There’s something about books and libraries that is mysterious and enigmatic, despite the fact that their content is literally written down in black and white. Perhaps it’s because we’re invited to spend time with it. Nothing is immediately obvious.

Curiosity. Intrigue. Quiet. Home of books.

My idea is that a woman is in a library doing research and she overhears a snippet of an argument. Not that there’s anything particularly unusual about harsh whispers, but certain words peak her attention.

She overhears perhaps too much; and then there’s a murder.

That’s all I’ve got today, but it’s a start. Tomorrow, I’ll get down to some quickie character profiles. A rough sketch of ideas.