Dear Diary,

It’s a strangely slow but productive Saturday for me so far. Wrote a short story, prompted by the writing task of the day. It won’t be shared, but I feel like the writing is quite solid. I might polish this and submit it for publication somewhere.

In fact, I might do that with all the writing tasks I’ve done for this class. Not sure. But I am definitely expanding one of the story ideas into a novel. It’s just too good to pass up.

I was thinking about the sky this morning. I often do, but for whatever reason, I was reminded of a moment long ago in New Mexico. I exited a grocery story, into the parking lot. The sky was a bright, brilliant and shining sherbet orange. I’d never seen anything like it and was absolutely gobsmacked. It’s a moment I’ll never forget, a feeling I doubt I’ll ever be able to capture properly in any art form.

Certainly not in the quick sketch I put together this morning. Still, I find it a fun sort of sketch, on its own merit. Sometimes an idea or a memory is simply at its best in the mind.

See you tomorrow,