Dear Diary,

After talking about it, we decided to give our neighbor a card right away – not to wait. I think it maybe helped a little. She seemed somewhat quieter… for a while. I know that when I’m down, a card does help. Makes me feel not alone, like someone cares about my troubles.

Still, she kept me up really late with her wailing and screaming and throwing things. Mourning, angry mourning.

Today was a long chemo day, so I’m pretty tired. Seems I needed to scribble something ugly, looking at my drawing for the day. I’m ok with it. Pretty much how I’m feeling right now. Fits.

Tomorrow, I go to the surgeon about my port. I’ve a thrombosis on the catheter tip and chances are pretty good that I need a repair part. I guess I’ll find out about that tomorrow, one way or the other.

Until then,