Dear Diary,

Today, I’m feeling considerably better. Got some decent writing done today. Again, quite different from anything I’ve written before.

The CBC course is definitely pushing me to do more, to experiment. I just love it. Feels good to be in a workshop again, especially after not being able to for such a long time.

The short story I wrote for today’s task is in first person, which I don’t typically like to do. It’s awkward for me to write first person – it feels a lot like play-acting, which was never my thing, not even as a kid.

Writing this story was a lot of fun though, from the perspective of a waitress – and I think it might be submission worthy. I’ll let it rest a few days and then take another look before I decide.

Fairly soon now, I’ll be going downstairs for a blue bath. Can hardly wait. My sore back is yearning for a hot soak.

I’m feeling so good right now, I might come upstairs and write another story. Amazingly, I’m feeling like I might be up for it. Amazing.

See you tomorrow,